Ground Control Wiki

The JJDVS/3675 Manticore is the main battle tank of the Phoenix mercenary army. The Phoenix main battle tank is equipped well in armor and weapons. It is limited in perception and unable to target airborne units.


The medium tank is the offensive leader for the Phoenix army. With it’s dual heavy plate armor and experimental kinetic discharge field it is the most suited for head on assaults. It is mounted with twin cannons that fire molten shells of metal at their targets able to penetrate absolutely anything, and its powerful cannons can also fire explosive phosphorous rounds at ground and air targets. Its modified pyrotech engine uses a continuous cycle instead of the normal exhaust. This process forces the pilot to be sealed inside the cockpit to avoid suffocation, but propels the armored vehicle forward at a disturbing pace.

The medium tank is slow to accelerate and turn and is not perfect for quick maneuvers. It is best supported with lighter tanks or support vehicles.


Special weapons[]

autosize Land/air plasma emulator
Small area of effect that can damage both land and air targets.
autosize Hellenback rockets
A barrage of rockets with a large blast radius.

Special equipment[]

autosize ADPP repair module
Tools and software for minor field repairs to armor plates and vital systems.
autosize Rocket
A speed boost that propels the units forward with little actual control. Good for getting somewhere in a hurry.
autosize Regenerate units
Instantly repairs all units in a small area. Not as much as a personal repair unit.

See also[]
